Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Why your eating habits are not a personal choice

Constantly stuffing your face isn't just bad for you, it's bad for everyone and fatal for the planet.
Ah, the personal choice argument. I get it. Really I do. But when your personal choice impacts others, it's not simply your choice any more. It truly angers me the amount of selfish behavior going on in the world that's chalked up to the rights of the individual.

My friend, rights are put in place to protect everyone, not just you. Plus, I'm sorry to inform you of this, but rights are a human invention. They do not exist in the natural world. They may be politically correct, but honestly, many of them are quite selfish in nature. They leave out the interests of the people who love and care for you and even those who don't.

Do you have loved ones? Most of us do, even if we don't particularly care for them. Your bad eating habits could mean they won't have as much time with you as they could. When you literally kill yourself with your food choices, it's not just bad for you. It impacts everyone around you.

Think of the funeral costs and other bills you leave behind for others to take care of. Or even the bills you owe to others. Your untimely death leaves people hanging who were depending on your payment in order to live.

Think of the nights that your loved ones will spend crying for you, missing you and wishing they could have had you in their lives longer.

Your bad eating habits may be your choice on the surface, but it's a selfish choice for sure. Plus, look a little deeper into your choice. You'll see that it's not your choice at all. At least not if you're a caring individual.

That's because there is the environment and the starving people to consider. Maybe you didn't know this, but the way you eat and your food choices make up the largest human behavioral impact on the environment and world hunger, not to mention our dwindling water supply. Yup, even before fracking and other “big oil” practices. Yes, even before carbon emissions.

That unhealthy, gluttonous diet you adhere to is killing the planet and taking food and water out of the mouths of starving people all over the world. That's particularly true if your diet is largely animal product based. I'm not going down that path here because it's beside the point. Give it a look up for yourself.

The point is that when you argue that your diet is your personal choice it makes you sound extremely cocky and selfish. It makes you sound as if you believe that appeasing your taste-buds is far more important than your loved ones and everyone else in the world. 

My goodness. No wonder people in other countries hate us. Our ingrained societal beliefs are so selfish!

Certainly, it's not your fault that you were brought up to believe that everything you do is a personal choice and you have the right to do whatever you want as long as it appears that you are not directly harming anyone. But it is your fault if you continue to insist that your choices come first, once you learn the truth about the harm those choices do.

Perhaps that's why so many people choose to close their eyes to the suffering, pain, environmental damage and food and water shortages they cause with their food choices. They don't want to know the truth because then, they would have to change their ways. And change is scary. Particularly when it takes us out of our comfort zone.

I'm having a hell of a time going vegan. I slip up sometimes. I like my comfort food too. But, you know what? I'm still trying. Because for me, at least, well.... I don't think of the way I eat as a personal choice any more. I think of it as something positive I can bring to the world.

If I can put one glass of water or one bowl of food in front of someone who is hungry or thirsty by not overeating.... If I can stay alive to spend one more day with the people who love me by eating healthier....Well then, I feel better about “my” food choices and about myself.

That being said, I don't think I'm any better than you. I have to fight my societal ingrained tendencies just as hard as anyone else. I'm not perfect.

How about you? And think about it, please. Is your food choice a selfish one? You don't have to go vegan to make a difference. Although doing so has been proven to make the most difference. But why not at least try to make an effort to eat right and eat less? You'll feel healthier and so will your inner spirit. It won't hurt. I promise. Practicing a little unselfishness never hurts anyone. In fact, it's good for you!

And for heaven's sake, please stop chalking up your gluttony and consumerism to personal choice. It's selfish and inconsiderate of those who have nothing. People are starving. Little children are dying daily of thirst and starvation. Stop consuming mass quantities of food you don't need.

Try to be respectful with all your choices! Just try.

You'll be glad you did and so will everyone else on the planet.

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