Monday, August 27, 2018

So... about those good old days

Did they really exist? The good old days, that is. I mean, I'll give you this. In the good old days, we were young, wild and free. Or at least, it felt that way. Well, for those if us who were born in the “right” place and descended from the “right” people, that is. Some of us weren't that lucky. I was one of the lucky ones. I see that now.

But while I was enjoying my youth in the good old days, many people were struggling. Some, because they were of a certain ethnicity. Others, simply because they were adults with responsibilities and with more awareness than I. I would imagine that being a mature adult in the good old days was very different than being a child or even a young adult.

In fact, I'm betting that adults in the good old days had every bit as much to be concerned about as we have today. OK, maybe, they were not quite as aware as today's adults. I suppose that's why they look at the past we fondness. They were somewhat sheltered, weren't they? That allowed them to relax and enjoy life just a bit more when they did have a free moment to do so.

Now, let's talk about this awareness thing, shall we? In today's world, with advanced technology, we're so very connected. We're pretty much aware of just about anything that happens, everywhere, aren't we? Even in tiny countries we've never even heard of. We're aware of people we don't know. We're aware of their lives. We're aware of their struggles. We're aware of their tragedies. We're aware of their negative characteristics. But we hear very little about their goodness or their triumphs, don't we?

We see the world as an ugly place because that's how it's presented to us. Why is that? Well, folks, it's partially because tragedy sells. Pain sells. Heartbreak sells. Fear sells. It gets our immediate attention. Admittedly, though, we actually are facing some very real challenges the seriousness of which has been building up for a while now. You know, things like global warming, dead zones and other environmental issues.

But these things aren't believed by everyone, are they? That's because, unfortunately, it's not profitable to believe them, is it? In fact, working on these issues is expensive. Now, many of us know that the cost of believing in and solving these issues is well worth it. Because our very survival as a species depends on us doing so. Unfortunately, that group does not include those with the power to address them. They don't want them addressed. Because again, taking action against environmental issues is not considered profitable.

 Likewise, it is not profitable to discourage war. War is very profitable for the powers that be. Therefore, it behooves them to instill “patriotism” in the average citizen, even to the point of shaming them for having a preference for peace. Furthermore, they create an illusion of our superiority to people in other countries, which neatly provides the profit mongers with soldiers to fight their monetized battles for them. When most of the time, we're not actually going to war for peace or to conquer evil or fight injustice, we're going to war for profit or to obtain resources.

Now, let me be clear. I love my country. I love that I was lucky enough to be born here. I see that people in some other countries have struggles the like of which astound me. I also understand that the very capitalistic regime that seeks to make a profit from us, also benefits us.

But my friends, I must be honest, there are also countries where the powers that be don't lie to/brainwash their people who enjoy those benefits as well.

Incidentally, it would even appear that some countries have it better than we ever did. Yes, even in “the good old days” if there ever was such a thing. We're seeing that now, due to our increased awareness. And yet, some people cling to returning society to the way they feel it was in those good old days. I don't blame them. Do you? I mean, we have truly placed the “good old days” on a lofty pedestal, haven't we?

The problem is, though, they really weren't all that great for most people. Life is always difficult. It was then and it is now. It just seems better in the past because looking back always carries with it fond memories. The human brain is built to survive tragedy by leaving it in the past. Bad memories fade over time. Otherwise, we'd all go bonkers.

 I mean, think about it, when someone close to you dies that maybe you didn't really get along with, don't you try to remember the good times and forget the issues you had with them? Well, it's the same way with everything in life. Moving forward with fond remembrances of the past is perfectly natural. Add to that the subtle brainwashing inherent in every society, brainwashing designed to take us in a profitable direction and you get this Utopian-like idealistic view of the past.

But folks, our past was anything but perfect. If you examine it closely, you can even see the beginnings of what our society is today. You can see the roots of the purposeful manipulation. You can see the for profit corruption. And most certainly, you can see the hatred and bigotry that existed and is being allowed to exist today.

Hatred and fear for profit has always been a background theme in our society. Folks, it was common to hang people for the color of their skin right up until the 60's. My friends, we are being led to long for the good old days. It enables the powers that be to manipulate us and bend us to their will. It allows them to use and abuse us. It allows them to pull our strings in the direction they need this society to go in order to further stuff their pockets. They have us right where they want us. Compliant and obedient.

But that's not enough. They want our kids too. They want us to breed generations of warriors for them. They even sponsor and finance the books used to educate our children, not out of generosity, but because they have a vested, monetary interest in what our children believe. They need a never-ending supply of unaware, obedient, subservient people to fuel their mission. They need puppets.

Ironically, they teach us that democracy is superior. The problem is that what we have isn't a democracy. It never was. It's always been about making a profit for certain people. Yes, even in the “good old days” because the good old days never existed, my friends. They're just an illusion. There has always been corruption. There has always been discord. There has always been a hierarchy.

We just never noticed before.

And the moral of this story is, every era has it's delights and downfalls and I'm at peace with that. Probably because I choose to be a part of the positive end and not participate in the mass manipulation that has always been a part of our society. Probably because I'm a non-conformist to the max.

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