Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Stop making your own fish climb that tree

We all know this quote, right? We apply it to our kids, our friends that we disagree with and even our sworn nemesis, if we have one. We try like crazy to understand that not everyone thinks or acts alike, yes? But how many of us give the same consideration to ourselves?

Why are we so hard on ourselves when we cannot do what is against our nature to do?

In my case, that's probably to gracefully shut my trap. I am not someone most would describe as dignified or reserved. I'm pretty much a know it all and I will let you know it all in no uncertain terms.

I also detest being misunderstood. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's because I often am or perhaps it reveals my insecurities. Who knows? But you know what? So what? Because all the things other people look upon as my imperfections are a part of me too.

And I like me. All of me. I like bat shit crazy me. I like silly me. I like happy me, friendly me and committed to my causes me. (Maybe there's a bit of a narcissist lurking in there.)

But who cares? And gosh darn it, anyway!

I'm going to stop making my own fish climb that tree just to make other people accept me.

Because that's not me they're accepting. It's who they want me to be. It's not who I am. And who I am is a pretty nice person with good intentions who has “faults” or at least what others think of as faults and is not perfect in any way and who occasionally loses it and spouts off like Old Faithful.

And you know what?

As long as you're not out there purposefully causing people pain and heartache or creating general mayhem etc., well, you should stop making your fish climb that tree too. Because you are beautiful for exactly who you are. We all are.

And pardon my “french” but fuck all if they don't like us for who we are. I never could climb trees anyway.

Welcome to the pond!

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