Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Why check the accuracy of your Facebook posts?

Do you Facebook for fun or for work? Maybe it's a little of both? If you go on Facebook mainly for entertainment, I'm sure you're not really concerned about the accuracy of your posts. In fact, many of your posts may be purposefully, sarcastically, inaccurate. Problem is, there are people out there who may be taken in by them them, even when you're posting in jest.

When that happens, they're spread around, even though there's absolutely nothing or very little that's factual in them. And that's when things get out of hand. Because once several people post them, they take off like wildfire, along with accompanying rumors, leading many other people to believe that the information contained in them is true.

What's the harm in that?

Well, let's take political posts. Or maybe we should leave them. LOL Because, while some are true, a lot of them are trumped up. (Pardon the unintentional pun.) Others are taken completely out of context. Still others have a bit of truth in them, which allows people to believe the entire post is true. Therefore, good people on both “sides” are being swayed to vote for certain individuals by way of deceitful Facebook posts and memes.

Now, there's this other factor to consider as well. If you've already made a decision as to who the right candidate is for you or what type of lifestyle you believe is best, you are more susceptible to false information that supports your views. That's just human nature. And of course, this means that you and your followers may be deceived by your posts.

Folks, just because a meme says something happened or someone did something, well, that's no reason to believe it or post it. Doing so just perpetuates potential lies, along with the political brainwashing that's so rampant these days. That old saying, “Don't believe everything you read.” applies to the internet too, you know.

So before you post anything, especially something potentially slanderous, be sure to do your own independent, unbiased research. And by that I mean, look at both sides of the story. Look at the whole story or video, not just a snippet. And not just Snopes or any other single source. Go to several different sources. And be sure the sources you use or their sponsors don't profit from the information that they're providing.

For instance, you don't go to the websites of political parties for information concerning either their party or the opposing party. Because either way, they are human too and therefore slanted in their beliefs, intentional or not. You go to a neutral source. Someone who has nothing to gain or lose by revealing the truth, slanting it or hiding it altogether. In fact, you go to several unbiased sources.

And then, because you can find evidence supporting just about anything online, use your head to analyze the evidence. Does it make sense? Does it sound probable? Has it been legally proven? Does it reflect the history of the individual concerned or of history itself?

Or does it sound like vengeance created to malign someone? Does it suggest that they are guilty of the same crime that their opponent has been found guilty of? In other words, does it fit the “Nanny nanny boo boo” or grade school behavior scenario?You know what I mean, right? Even adults behave like children sometimes, especially when they're passionate about their causes.

So folks, if you have any doubts, or you don't know for absolute certain that something is true, just don't post it. Because even though Facebook is an entertainment venue, some people take those posts very seriously. In fact, some people base their life decisions on what they've seen on Facebook.

That makes checking the accuracy of your posts extremely important, whether you Facebook for fun, work or a little of both.

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