Wednesday, October 24, 2018

I see things and I'm at peace with it

I see things, but it's not what you're thinking. I see the connections between all of us. I'm not insane and I'm not alone but some days, it feels like it. Our society has become a mockery of our truth. None of us are who we think we are, myself included. We're so wrapped up in lies the truth doesn't matter any more. We live and breathe a life of pure illusion, created by those who profit from our ignorance.

None of us are special. We are all part of the whole. We are, in essence, “The Borg” but we are missing the hive mind mentality.

We are fighting for our individuality with every step we take. Perhaps that's why the concept scares us so much in a tale of fiction. Our brains are separate and independent and yet, they are designed to work as parts of a well oiled machine.

That machine is nature.

Koko said it best. “I am nature.”

Yes, we are all nature. Those who laugh at nature lovers are laughing at themselves. We are one energy in different bodies.

While some might see this concept as frightening. (Or yours truly as some kind of fanatic.) I see it as comforting. It gives me peace. I like knowing that we are all connected. I like knowing that there is more to this life than our society tells us there is. Because in my opinion, our society has produced the most widely accepted, most warped mess of tangled lies that ever were pulled over anyone's eyes.

I like feeling the connection to living beings, to plants, to the stars, the moon and other planets. I like reaching out my hands and feeling a part of something vast and wonderful and amazing.

Pure connectivity is at once both the most beautiful, most precious feeling one can attain and the most frightening of all realizations. True awareness is a realization. It's seeing life for what is is, stripped clean of everything we previously thought to be true. It's admitting that we have it all wrong. It's seeing ourselves and everyone and everything around us as simply existing in unison, with no judgment passed. It's being able to sort the truth from the lies.

And in order to see it, one must let go of everything first.

The first thing to let go of is possession of other beings. Truly, we can never possess anyone, human or otherwise. We can never let go of the web that binds us, and yet we do not belong to each other. We are each other. That's why we have so much trouble finding ourselves. Because we are not individuals. We are one. One energy. One spirit. One love.

My friends, I love you. I understand you, I respect your right to believe as “you” wish, although that “you and I as separate beings” nonsense in itself is another lie we have been told. Anyway, as much as I respect “you” in order to truly be at peace, all of us must let go of conventional religion. Religion was created by man to explain things we don't understand. Things that frighten us. Things that we find hard to accept because we do not see reason in them. But it's not our truth.

And pardon the wandering thought, but can you see, that's a “power” humans have exclusively? Reasoning, that is. Other animals are catching up to us in that respect, though. Unfortunately for them, because our “powers” of reasoning, or the search for deeper meaning actually causes us great frustration. We have to have an answer for everything. And because there is no answer to why we exist other than a simple state of being, we find ourselves on a lifelong search with no end result.

The truth is that there is no answer to why we are here. Or at least there is not what we see as an answer. Because our truth, our purpose is simply to be and to experience. And even that realization is not an answer. You see, our purpose has nothing to do with being an individual or finding ourselves.

It's about finding the whole and connecting with the humbling fact that we are not special as individuals but as a great web of life energy, each living being, entity, flora or fauna having their own function within the whole. It's all so beautiful. I wish everyone could see it.

So we have come to a point where because we are hell bent on finding and defining the individuals we mistakenly believe ourselves to be, the whole system is suffering. Do you see? We spend our whole lives searching for something that isn't there, entirely missing the fact that we are all one beautiful, astounding, interconnected energy.

And until we start acting as if we are merely a small piece of something greater and amazingly intricate, as long as we keep separating and labeling ourselves, we will never be in touch with the truth. As long as we continue to conform to an unhealthy false reality, we will never be truly functional.

But we all do have to conform in order to survive, don't we? Of course.

But, what is at the bottom of that truth? The truth is, we're conforming to the wrong thing. Every one of us. Every second, every minute, every hour for our entire lives. We are conforming to a self created, false society, that in some ways mimics the very thing we're searching for. It's a grand illusion that keeps us from our true purpose, which is to simply be and be a part of a greater energy.

We get up every morning and go to jobs we were never intended to do. We aspire to “see the world” when we haven't even learned to see ourselves for who we really are. We cling to our creature comforts rather than experiencing life in the raw, the way it was meant to be lived, as most natural beings do. Why? I don't know. I'm not special. I do life the same way as everyone else.

But I do see things. I see the connections and it gives me comfort to know they are there. Sometimes it scares the heck out of me. But I see life for what it is. I see that there really is no “I.” There is individual thought but that's only there so that we may bring different facets of thinking to strengthen our greater whole.

And yet, as comforting as this is, “I” shy away from it. Because “I” am one of those unfortunate souls who, although they see the connections clearly, can't quite see themselves conforming to anything. Maybe that's because “I” also see too clearly what conforming to the wrong thing has done to damage everything we are and everything we were meant to be. So all forms of connection frighten me a little.

Yes, it makes me a little frightened to accept that I am simply a part of the whole after all. Maybe that's because all our lives we are told that having high “self” esteem is vital to our mental health when the truth is that self esteem is only as important as it is in relation to the energy and health of the whole natural universe.

In other words, I see that we are only important as individuals in that we do our individual part to keep the entire web of natural energy healthy. Because when one part malfunctions, the entire system is compromised. Yes, all of nature depends on individuality and yet, because of our connection to each other, to our collective energy, we are not truly individuals.

It doesn't sound like I'm at peace with this, does it? And yet, “I” truly am. Because there's something else I see. And that something else is that reality and imperfection is inevitable and will inevitably win out over false perfection every time. It gives me hope to know that I am not alone. Ever. It gives me hope to see that more and more people are realizing how beautiful the truth is, compared to the lies that have been handed to us.

I'm also glad that somewhere down the line in the generations before me, there must have been enough truth passed along to lead me in the right direction as well. To allow me to see what has been right in front of me all along. To show me that I am a part of something greater than myself. Something so beautiful that I can't even begin to describe it with mere words.

Just do this for me, if you will. Reach up to the sky, to the stars. Reach out to the earth as well. Take off your shoes and feel the energy flowing from the ground beneath you. Feel it pulsing into and from every pore of your body. What you feel is your connection to all things natural. It's the most peace you can ever experience. Because it is your truth and mine.

Now take that peace, that connection, that inner feeling of knowing and satisfaction and imagine using it to create a world where everyone knows and respects their role. Except that, it's not about anything we create. It's not about what or who created us.

It's simply about being and accepting our own pure truth.

All of us.

Every being and life form, flora or fauna.


You're welcome.

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