Wednesday, October 24, 2018

What makes me #Sad, but still at peace

It seems the older I get, the more I am determined to find the best in people. Admittedly, it doesn't always happen. I'm no Dalai Lama, but I do try. I suppose that's why I find the saddest people are those who unknowingly make themselves and others miserable on a daily basis. Those whose energy not only brings the people around them down, but is self harming as well.

Because they're doing it for absolutely no reason. You see, folks, as much as we think the world is out to get us sometimes, it's really our actions and reactions that are bringing us down. In other words, to be blunt, shit happens to everyone. Every day. Constantly complaining, playing the blame game, throwing tantrums, being over dramatic and “venting” will not change that fact.

Playing the victim will not make your problems go away either. Whining about every little thing that happens to you, as if you're the only one in the world with struggles will not make your problems disappear. Neither will denying their existence or running away. There are only two things that will make your problems go away.

1. Doing something different to solve them.

The old adage is true. You cannot expect to have different results if you keep doing the same thing. Only doing something different will reap different results. When you create a rut for yourself, draw lines, impose conditions that are impossible to follow and dig in, that's exactly where you will find yourself years, maybe even decades later. Setting your actions and reactions in stone will only make your life harder. It will bury you. A change.... will do you good.

2. Getting a new attitude

Attitude really is everything. If you're struggling, remember, so is every other person you encounter. Struggles teach. They are a necessary part of life. Be grateful for them. Embrace them. Use them to strengthen your spirit. Oh, you can complain about them if you wish, I suppose. But that will do nothing to improve your situation.

Now, I don't pretend to be all knowing. Not by any stretch. I am highly imperfect. Highly. I have been known to lose my temper. But I know that when I focus on the positive aspects of a situation, things improve for me so I try to do that the majority of the time.

I also know that when I'm stubborn and refuse to budge or insist on doing things my way, I fail miserably. By the same token, when I put a smile on my face, move forward and embrace new perspectives, my life improves.

Folks, it took me longer than most to get to this realization. And I still have a long, long way to go too!

That's why I empathize with those who are not there yet.

It makes me sad that I can't pass this information on to those who need to hear it most. I know this because, believe me, I have tried. I'm not one to give up on people. It just isn't in me. Problem is, if they're not ready to hear it or act on it there's nothing I can do.

If they refuse to open themselves up to anything that anyone else has to say, they won't hear it. No one heals until they see their own issues and make positive changes. That has to be their decision.

That's why I'm at peace with it. Because there's not a darn thing I can or should do. It's their prerogative. But it certainly is the saddest thing to witness their self destruction and not be able to get through to them.

It certainly is #Sad.

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